Hamtaro ham hams unite reporter
Hamtaro ham hams unite reporter

hamtaro ham hams unite reporter

After you talk to Dexter, he will help Howdy out. Help, I'm Stuck!: One of the outcomes to bring Dexter and Howdy in the clubhouse is the latter falling into a cash register and getting stuck.Odd, since unlike in most games with this trope, Hamtaro is a canonical character. Hello, : You can rename Hamtaro at the beginning of the game.Harmless Electrocution: Hamtaro can unplug the fountain in Sky Garden and Stickie the socket.Green Hill Zone: Acorn Shrine, the first real area, which is mostly forest and grasslands.Gotta Catch Them All: The Ham-Chat words, Ham-Jam songs, stars (after beating the game), and clothing (which requires you to collect all of the rocks to get the last clothes shop).Genre Shift: The Japanese title is Tottoko Hamtaro 2, establishing it as a sequel to the first Hamtaro Game Boy Color game which never left Japan, but it plays absolutely nothing like it- rather than an adventure game, the original Tottoko Hamtaro was barely a game at all, more so a fortune-telling program with a Ham-Ham theme.Forced Tutorial: A small one: Boss teaches you the four main Ham-Chat words-Hamha, Hifhif, Tack-Q, and Digdig-before you can start playing (thankfully, though, he just writes all of the other words you start with in the notebook without making you go through them, too).First Town: The Clubhouse, which is where the Ham-Jam minigame is, and where you bring all of the other Ham-Hams to (and is where you'll most likely get the last few words).One in Sunflower Elementary which you must buy a bottle (which turns out to have a hole in it), have it fixed by Panda, bring it to a tea vendor so he can fill it with tea, and then give it to the bloated NPC Roadblock to get through a certain passageway to find Jingle.Unfortunately, he overcharges for it, requiring you to blackmail him into lowering to an affordable price.

#Hamtaro ham hams unite reporter Patch

Buying a heat patch or a bar code from a merchant to either un-thaw Dexter from a block of ice or free Howdy from inside a cash register.

hamtaro ham hams unite reporter

  • Retrieving Pashmina's scarf from a crow for her.
  • Cruelty Is the Only Option: To learn the ham-chat Nopookie, Hamtaro must Tack-Q a hamster off a high pole in The Ruins.
  • It turns out the guy you match her with is quite plump.
  • Chubby Chaser: The pink hamster in Acorn Shrine wants a boyfriend who is "Mega-Q".
  • The next time you see him, he's noticeably tubbier.
  • Balloon Belly: You can help a hamster open a box of cookies in Sunflower Market.
  • You can only bring him back after winning the wig. Ooh, Shiny!: Cappy considers joining Hamtaro in going back to the clubhouse but gets distracted by the Shogun Wig up for grabs in Tack-Q bowling.

    hamtaro ham hams unite reporter

    And I Must Scream: One scenario to get Dexter and Howdy in the clubhouse is the former getting frozen alive in a freezer.100% Completion: Boss gives you a new Ham-Chat Dictionary and one last new word if you learn all 85 Ham-Chat words.This game was followed up by a sequel, Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak, which was released for the Game Boy Advance. Along the way, Hamtaro learns new words to add to his Ham-Chat notebook, which are used to solve puzzles needed to get the Ham-Hams to the Clubhouse or acquire other words. The story revolves around you, as Hamtaro, helping the Clubhouse leader Boss round up all of the other twelve Ham-Hams for a surprise. Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite! is an adventure game developed by Pax Softnica and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Color, based on the Hamtaro franchise.

    Hamtaro ham hams unite reporter